In this together

Hi there everyone. I really just want to start this post by reaching out to you all and saying that I genuinely hope that you are well & safe.

To say that the past few weeks have been unbelievably strange and surreal would be a huge understatement.  Our world has been turned on its head due to Covid-19, and it is no doubt that we are now in unprecedented times.

I disappeared over the past few weeks, off the face of the blog and social media. I needed some time to process everything that was going on, and really, I didn’t know what to write if I did come online. It seemed pretty trivial to jump on the blog or Instagram and let you know about my ‘new fashion finds’.

Last week (like so many others), I was stood down from my full-time job. These past two days have been challenging for sure. The uncertainty that we are living through currently can understandably be anxiety inducing. However, I take solace in the fact that we are all in this together and that we will get through it one day at a time.

I’ve spent the last couple of days thinking about how I want to spend my time over the next few weeks. The answer is that I want to take care of myself and those around me as much as possible – physically, mentally, financially, creatively.

For now, I am taking it one day at a time. Looking for as many positives as I can, in a pretty dreary situation. But I tell you, there are many positives!

I am looking forward to taking some time to slow down. To do some of the things I always claim I don’t have time for. To read a book, get stuck in the garden and spend some quality time with Grange.  I’m also looking forward to having time to get creative for creativity’s sake, and to create some great content here on Lilt Blog to help promote my favourite local businesses.

Let’s not forget, our local creatives and businesses are doing it tougher than ever right now. Many have had to close their doors and will struggle immensely in the next few months.  I know that everyone is doing it tough, in many different ways. However, if you find yourself in a position where you have something to purchase please consider our locals.

Now, more than ever, I would love your input on what kind of content you would like to see on Lilt Blog. What type of posts and information are you after in these crazy times? Doing my little bit to entertain, educate or simply just distract us through these difficult times, would mean everything to me.

Please stay tuned this week. I’ll be publishing posts on ideas for surviving self-isolation, great local labels that you can support right now & fun things you can see & do from the comfort of your home.

However more importantly, please take care of yourselves and one another. Wash your hands, practice social distancing, if you can – stay at home, and don’t forget to check in on your family and friends. We will get through this together.

If you need someone to talk to, I’m only a message, call, comment, or DM away!

Lots of love. Luciana x

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