How to Use a Jade Roller

I’ve been very curious about crystal facial rollers for a while now, and finally got to try one out thanks Zudoya who kindly gifted me a jade roller so that I could incorporate it into my daily skincare routine.

Before trying out my new beauty tool, I was quite intrigued by its purpose and what results I could actually achieve by using it in my regime, so I thought I would share my thoughts with you all.

What is a crystal facial roller? how does it work? and is it worth it?…

What Is it?

Crystal beauty tools have been known to be used by Chinese empresses since the 7th century to achieve glowing and youthful skin.

Used as facial massage tools to drain lymph nodes, improve circulation and release toxins they have recently had a huge resurgence in Western society.

They can be made from a number of different crystals but the most common are jade, rose quartz and amethyst.

Crystal facial rollers in particular have been adapted from the more traditional Gua Sha tools, and are a more gentle and modern way to use crystals as part of ones skincare routine.

Why use it?

Using a jade roller is the perfect way to add a soothing lymphatic massage to my daily skincare routine.

In the mornings using the jade roller is  great for rejuvenating and  ‘waking up’ my skin.
I find the process particularly useful in getting rid of any puffiness that usually manifests through early mornings rises and/or travel.

However, I also find it to be a very relaxing way to  relieve stress and tension during my night time skincare routine. Great for relieving tired muscles at the end of a hard day, whilst taking care of my skin.

I mostly love using it as part of my ‘at home facials’.
Not only is it cooling, soothing, and relaxing, but it is such a nice way to add nourishing products to my skin during these pamper sessions.

How to use it?

My favourite way to use the jade roller is straight out of the fridge as the cooling sensation is particular soothing. The team at Zudoya include a convenient Cool-Me™ zip lock bag so you can keep your face roller safe in the refrigerator too, which is a bonus.

You can use the tool on freshly washed bare skin, but I prefer to add a serum, moisturiser, oil or mask (depending on the time of day/occasion) to help the roller ‘glide’ across my face more effectively. I find that the roller helps distribute the product evenly and gently onto the skin, and also makes the process much more enjoyable, in my opinion.

The tool itself is very easy to use. You simply gently roll the facial roller over your skin – on the forehead, nose, upper lip, hollows of the cheeks, down the neck, and around the eyes.  Zudoya has some great instructions on how to use their rollers on this page.

The roller I have been using is great as it comes with two sizes in one tool (some other brands only come with one side).
The larger roller being the perfect size for your face and neck, and the smaller, for delicate areas around your eyes and nose, where I personally need it most.

The verdict

I have now been using my jade roller for over a month and absolutely love it. I cannot vouch for its crystal powers or sienticfic skincare benefits (which some say include  lymphatic draining, detoxification, improved circulation,  & reduced dark circles ) , but I can say that it has helped me reconnect with my skincare routine and enjoy the process itself.

It is certainly pleasant to use, relaxing, soothing and it has helped me get rid of ‘puffy skin’, (a big tick in my books) especially when used straight from the fridge. You’ll definitely see me using my jade roller in my future skincare posts & videos as I genuinely believe it is a great pampering skincare tool.

I’d love to know if you have tried a crystal facial roller before.  Did you like it? Or are you wanting to give one a go?

I also have a Gua Sha tool which I want to start incorporating into my skincare routine. Do you want me to do a review on it too? Let me know in the comments below. 

x Luciana

*** This post in not sponsored but the product featured was kindly gifted by Zudoya for review. All opinions are real and honest***

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