Meg Kolac – Hugs

Meg Kolac’s Hugs exhibition is a collection of artworks embracing the nostalgia of holding our loved ones close. Launched during the Covid-19 pandemic and inspired by the very long lockdown in Melbourne, this exhibition reveals the contrast between the desperate hope of being able to hug someone we love, against the melancholy of that day being pushed further and further away.

Read on below as Meg shares her inspiration behind this thoughtful and touching online exhibition.

Can you tell us a little bit about your new online exhibition and how it came about, What was the inspiration behind it?

As I began creating Hugs, I made one of my own family as it had been so long since I had seen them. This artwork felt like a perfect placeholder for the year. How I felt when I looked at this artwork made me want to create this for people who might be struggling out there and who maybe like me, have not had a hug in what feels like forever!

Can you give us some insight into your process and how you created the artworks?

Last year, I created an artwork for an exhibition at No Vacancy Gallery in Melbourne inspired by the concept of future nostalgia. For this I created my first hug artwork with the idea that technology would take over physical interaction. A year and a half on, who would have thought it would be a pandemic keeping us from cuddles!

All of the works in Hugs start with a rough haphazard sketch and are then digitally illustrated. This is a new style for me but I have really enjoyed exploring colour palettes for each piece. I love pushing colour combination boundaries. The illustrations are then printed by the wonderful team at Hound and Bone onto beautiful archival quality paper.

What have been some challenges or unexpected positives that have come out of the current climate?

Originally, I was working on Hugs as a solo exhibition to launch in Melbourne this month. Rather than postponing for when we are all finally allowed out again, I utilised the wonderful world of online and felt it was the perfect platform to send out some virtual hugs! 

This year has been tough, but as an introverted artist, I have found the downtime good for some much needed decompression. Luckily, I have had a number of projects in the works and the time usually filled with wonderful drinks and dinners with friends or a visit to Mum’s has been replaced with my creative to-do list. That’s not to say it’s been easy and I am in awe of some of our most creative people, especially musicians, who have given the buzz word pivot a whole new meaning.

How have you stayed creative during lock down?

Look, it’s been a struggle!
I feel lucky though, that the illustrations I create have a strong theme of connection and when people request artwork as gifts or special keepsakes for their homes, they share stories about their loved ones with me. I find this inspires me to find more ways to help people feel close to their family and friends. 

I have created a number of custom artworks this year including colour-in portraits to post to loved ones as family and connection has really been priority for many this year.

For my Hugs exhibition, this motivated me to make each artwork customisable so that we could be forever in embrace.

Where can we find your artworks?

The artwork from Hugs is available to purchase via my website at The Hug Shop. They are all made to order and come in three different sizes – A4, A3 and A2. I offer personalisation where I am happy to work with people to choose colours and other details to create their own hug.

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