An Interview with Physio Laura of The Pregnancy Posse

Laura Callea, aka Physio Laura, is a pelvic floor physiotherapist and Founder of the online fitness platform ‘The Pregnancy Posse’.

I came across her amazing online course during my first pregnancy, when due to Covid, I was looking for targeted pregnancy safe exercises I could do in the comfort of my own home. When researching possible resources ‘The Pregancy Posse’ kept being recommended by many other women who had enjoyed her services, and with good reason.

It is clear when taking part in Laura’s classes that her passion is to help as many women as possible through their pregnancy and post-natal journey, by encouraging them to be physically active, educated and empowered, by tuning into their bodies.

Now a days there is so much noise and information ‘out there’ that simple, efficient and safe advice can be difficult to find. However
through the Pregancy Posse, Laura effectively helps pregnant women strengthen their bodies, and prepare for one of the most important days of their lives… and beyond.

Far too many times I have seen women struggle through pregnancy with aches and pains, incontinence and fatigue. It breaks my heart that women still don’t know that they can do something to alleviate these symptoms. My goal is to educate women and teach them how to stay active so that they can have a more enjoyable pregnancy, smooth labour and better post-natal recovery.” – Says Laura.

The Pregancy Posse membership offers weekly guidance & online video classes that are available 24/7 for you to access at your leisure. They’re also developed with busy mums in mind so they are easy to follow and quick, so you can fit them into your schedule.

But even if you’re not looking for online classes, Laura also offers plenty of amazing advice through her Instagram account @physiolaura and the ‘Pregnancy with Physio Laura’ podcast.

With three little ones of her own, a Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons), and Graduate certificates in both Pelvic Floor and Women’s Health Physiotherapy, she is the go-to woman for convenient and safe exercise throughout your pregnancy.

Today, I have the absolute pleasure to interview Laura Callea, as we discuss her journey, inspirations and some very wise mum advice and truths. Read on below.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and what inspired you to launch ‘Physio Laura & The Pregnancy Posse’.

I am Laura. Wife. Mother to 3 gorgeous children. Women’s health physio. Business owner. And general life enthusiast! 

I started my business and brand because I felt so limited with how many women I could help in a clinical setting. There were only so many hours in the day and only so many women I could help. I also recognised that so many women were financially or geographically disadvantaged in being able to access women’s health services and I wanted to be able to help more.

The online platform gave me the opportunity to help even more women, without constraints of time, location or money.

Can you tell me about what your aim was when you started ‘The Pregnancy Posse’ and how that has changed over the years?

I wanted to be able to help as many pregnant women as possible to have comfortable, smooth pregnancies, great births and incredible post-partum recoveries.

Initially I wanted to get the basic education about pelvic floor exercises, managing pelvic pain, preparing for an active labour and birth, rest and recovery after birth (and so much more!) into the hands of as many women across the world as I could.

I wanted to reduce how many times I heard women say “I wish I had of known this before___”.

I wanted women to not just survive the prenatal period, but to thrive.

This message still remains the same, however as my personal motherhood journey has evolved over the years, my business has changed to reflect this too. 

I now have a real fire in my heart to help women feel as confident and empowered in their pregnancy, birth and post-natal journey as possible. I want to help women own their choices, advocate for what they want and fully embrace their unique way of living. To let-go of people pleasing and ask for what they want. To let go of fear of judgement and listen more to their intuition.

What does a typical day of motherhood / business / life look like for you?

I have clear boundaries around all the “hats” I wear. So currently I work 2 half days a week.

On those days, I play and connect with my kids in the morning. Once they’re dropped off at care, I usually have a coffee and debrief with my husband (he is a large part of my business too). Then I will usually get cracking on connecting with my Posse community, creating content for social media, recording podcasts, doing research for future podcast topics or guests , or working on some of the exciting new projects I have coming out soon!

Amongst this work, I will also have little “brain-breaks” to cook dinner, do life admin, swim in the ocean, meditate or journal. Then I pick the kids up and the afternoon is for play!

On the other 5 days of the week, it’s full mum mode. I don’t work, and I rarely even touch my phone. I am completely deep in socialising with friends, doing activities with the kids, playing at the park, drawing, baking and being as present as I can!

Tell us about some of the people in the Industry or motherhood /baby space who inspire you and why.

I love B from @corefloorestore for how open, honest and real she is in sharing her motherhood journey. It’s always refreshing and great to follow!

I also love @laelstone who is an aware parenting mentor. She is great at providing fantastic resources for the motherhood journey and helping to regulate your own nervous system so you can hold more space for your kids.

Another great follow is @nikkimccahon who shares beautiful insights into navigating matrescence.

For all pregnant ladies out there, what are some very simple exercises we can do to help ourselves prepare for birth and post birth?

Pelvic floor exercises -it is so important to connect in with these muscles and understand how they function and work. Great for preventing incontinence and helping your post-natal recovery! I recommend doing these 3 times/day.

(For a link to Physio Laura’s free pelvic floor exercises click HERE)

Squats – as many of my Pregnancy Posse members will know, I love squats! They are super functional, target a variety of important muscles groups and are fantastic preparation for labour.

What are some of your top tips in prepping for a new baby and motherhood in general?

Tune in with yourself. What does your body tell you? What is your intuition saying? The more in tune you are with yourself, the better connected you’ll be to your baby. The better you’ll be able to help yourself navigate labour and birth. And the better your motherhood experience will be, because you’ll recognise that you always know best.

Also start practicing asking for help and leaning on your community. This is such an important survival skill for motherhood.

What are your recommended 5 essentials for soon to be mums?

-Compression garment (whether it be basic Tubigrip, or tailored shorts or leggings)

-Haaka pump to catch your let-down

-Baby carrier so you can be hands-free and drink coffee!

-Meal train from your friends and family to nourish you after birth

-One size too big, plain black undies!

Motherhood can be beautiful, tricky, exhausting and the most amazing thing ever all wrapped into one. Yet we don’t often talk about the real truths of learning to become a mother.
What are some of your ‘truths’ when it comes to motherhood?

-Children will shine light on all of the things you need to work on in yourself

-They will bring all your ugliness to the surface to enable you to move through it

-They will teach you unconditional love like you’ve never felt it before

What is some of the best advice you have received as a mother?

“This too shall pass”


“It’s only a problem if it’s a problem for you”

What’s next for Physio Laura & The Pregnancy Posse?

Eek so many things! A re-brand and some exciting new offerings to work with me in an intimate group setting or 1:1, something I’ve never offered before! 

You can follow Laura on Instagram at @physiolaura

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